March 23, 2025: Look For the Helpers

5 days 19 hours ago
Third Sunday in Lent Look For the Helpers Sometime our suffering is the result of sin, our own and/or that of others. However, sometimes suffering just happens. Last fall two major hurricanes ravaged parts of the eastern United States: Hurricane Helene caused damage and destruction from the Gulf Coast of Florida through the Appalachian Mountains, […]
IBOC Editor

March 16, 2025: Jesus’ Grieving and Ours

1 week 5 days ago
Second Sunday in Lent Jesus’ Grieving and Ours Even Jesus did not have a life free from grief or sadness. Along with the Old Testament prophets, in whose footsteps he walked, his wisdom in evaluating the current state of affairs brought him sadness, and his knowledge of the consequences of human actions caused him grief. […]
IBOC Editor

March 9, 2025: Jesus’ Temptation and Ours

2 weeks 5 days ago
First Sunday in Lent Jesus’ Temptation and Ours  “When the devil had finished every test, he departed from him until an opportune time” (Luke 4:13). One of the more disquieting concepts of this story of Jesus’ time in the wilderness is the last line, which reminds us that conquering temptation once doesn’t mean it will […]
IBOC Editor

Moravian Church in America signs on to Church World Service declaration defending refuge

3 weeks 3 days ago
The Provincial Elders’ Conferences of the Moravian Church in America, Northern and Southern Provinces, have signed on to the Ash Wednesday Ecumenical Declaration: Defending Refuge from Church World Service (CWS). This declaration represents a commitment by religious leaders and organizations to stand against policies that endanger refugees and immigrants. At a time when the United […]
Mike Riess

March 2, 2025: Mountains to Valleys

3 weeks 5 days ago
Transfiguration Sunday Mountains to Valleys There’s something about the mountains that stirs the soul. For the Israelites, mountaintop experiences often reflected an encounter with God. This seems the case for Jesus as his clothes become dazzling white and, as at his baptism, a voice from the clouds calls him “Son,” “Chosen.” There is broader meaning […]
IBOC Editor

Moravian University names Christian Rice as Vice President and Dean of School of Theology

1 month 1 week ago
BETHLEHEM, PA, February 21, 2025: Today, Moravian University announced that it has named Christian Rice its new Vice President and Dean of the School of Theology. Rice brings more than two decades of experience in higher education and theological education to this role. Prior to joining Moravian University, Rice worked at Ursinus College in Collegeville, PA. Rice […]
Mike Riess

February 16, 2025: Blessings and Woes

1 month 1 week ago
Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany Blessings and Woes Today’s lesson comes from the Sermon on the Plain—similar to, yet different from, the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5–7. In Luke’s version there are those who are Blessed and those who are faced with Woe. The Blessings and Woes show an understanding of circumstances […]
IBOC Editor

Prayers for the 6th Week after Epiphany (February 16-22, 2025)

1 month 2 weeks ago
(The attached artwork depicts Christian David felling the first tree for the construction of the village of Herrnhut 300 years ago.  He and his fellow Czech refugees trusted in God’s guidance as they began this new chapter in our Moravian history. Courtesy of the Herrnhut Moravian Congregation) The watchword for the week: Blessed are those who trust in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. Jeremiah 17:7 How wonderful it […]
Chris Giesler

February 9, 2025: The Call to Catch People

1 month 2 weeks ago
Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany The Call to Catch People In Luke 5, we find the starting point for the incredible ministry of Simon Peter. What a great story! Jesus got into Peter’s boat and told him to put the boat out into the water so he could teach the crowd. After teaching, Jesus told […]
IBOC Editor


March 28, 2025 - 7:00pm
Moravian Church in North America
Our Lamb Has Conquered. Let Us Follow Him.
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