Moravian Church in North America
The Watchword for the Week: God has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly. Luke 1:52 God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. Indeed, God did not send the Son into […]
Increase your mission gift’s impact with BWM Matching Gift Opportunity
Prayers for the 3rd Week of Advent (December 15-21, 2023)
The Watchword for the week: Bear fruits worthy of repentance. Luke 3:8 Stir up our hearts, O Lord, to prepare the paths for the Savior: that we may worthily serve you with hearts purified by his coming. Isaiah 12:2-6 Surely God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid, for the Lord […]
December 15, 2024: Good News
Third Sunday of Advent Good News Today’s Gospel seems strange. At the beginning, John the Baptist calls those who have come to hear him preach “a brood of vipers!” (Luke 3:7). At the end, we are told, “So . . . he proclaimed the good news to the people” (Luke 3:18). I have a friend, […]
ChristmasFest and Christmas in Nazareth, Saturday Dec. 14, 2024
On Saturday, Dec. 14, 2024, celebrate the history and music of a Moravian Christmas with events in Winston-Salem, N.C. and Nazareth, Pa.! ChristmasFest & Holiday Market, Winston-Salem, N.C. Presented by the Moravian Music Foundation and Southern Province Moravian Archives Step back in time and experience the magic of ChristmasFest & Holiday Market and immerse yourself […]
Celebrate Christmas with a Moravian Lovefeast
Prayers for the 2nd Week of Advent (December 8-14, 2024)
The Watchword for the Week: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he has looked favorably on his people and redeemed them. Luke 1:68 Come, all who labor and are heavy laden. Come, all who are lost and in need of a home. Come, all who have faced their weakness and sins. Rejoice greatly; […]
December 8, 2024: The Bible’s Story
Second Sunday of Advent The Bible’s Story Today’s Gospel introduces us to John the Baptist, preaching about repentance and forgiveness. John declares that the words from Isaiah 40, written centuries before Jesus, have been fulfilled. This reminds us that the many stories of the Bible, what Christians call the Old Testament and the New Testament, […]
Prayers for the First Sunday of Advent (December 1-6, 2024)
Portions of this prayer are adapted from the Liturgy for Advent 2, Moravian Book of Worship, pages 54-58, used by permission of the Interprovincial Board of Communication of the Moravian Church. The Watchword for the Week – Jesus says, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” Luke 21:33 Sing to […]
December 1, 2024: Now Thank We All Our God
First Sunday of Advent Now Thank We All Our God Today’s Gospel is one of several passages that seem to describe the end of the world. Certainly we live in perilous times, with wars and threats of wars, negative social changes, a changing climate, fewer people active in our churches. How do these verses speak […]
November 24, 2024: Not From This World
Christ the King Sunday Not From This World As I write this in May 2024, the Israeli military has begun a campaign to eliminate Hamas fighters from the Gazan city of Rafah. It’s reported that there are over 600,000 children taking refuge in that city, many of whom have fled there from the north of […]
Prayers for the Reign of Christ Festival (November 24-30, 2024)
The watchword for the week:“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty. Revelation 1:8 Christ invites us to come and follow him.To set aside the things that are distracting us.To pray for the needs of those close to us as […]
Prayers for the 26th Week after Pentecost (November 17-23, 2024)
(The Rev. Dr. Riddick Webber of Moravian Theological Seminary, Keynote speaker for the Western District Synod) The Watchword for the week: Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for God who has promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23 Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from […]
November 17, 2024: Witness
Twenty-Sixth Sunday after Pentecost Witness Witness these disasters over-spilling: Drought, pollution, wildfires spread like tumors, Streets and schools suffused with senseless killing, Terror, wars, and catastrophic rumors. Humanity and kindness are no more; But hatred sprouts its thorns in every land; And greedy mouths devour the needy poor. Perhaps “the second coming is at hand.” […]
Northern Province hosts New Way of Being Advent Series 2024
Prayers for the 25th Week after Pentecost (November 10-16, 2024)
(A gathering of Bishops from around the Moravian Unity at Christiansfeld, Denmark) Watchword for the week: The Lord lifts up those who are bowed down; the Lord loves the righteous. Psalm 146:8 How should we come before the Holy One and bow before God on high? God has shown us what is good and what […]
November 10, 2024: Jesus Our Treasure
Festival of Jesus Christ as Chief Elder Jesus Our Treasure Mistakes at times, can lead to great discovery. The task of Chief Elder of the Moravian Church in 1741 proved to be overwhelming for Leonard Dober, and so a special synod of young minds was convened to elect his replacement. After many failed attempt by […]
November 3, 2024: The Neighbor
Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost The Neighbor A religious leader asks Jesus a question: “What is the most important commandment?” As the Gospel of Mark tells the story, the questioner is friendlier than in Matthew’s Gospel. The questioner and Jesus agree that God may command us mortals. Jesus gives a twofold answer: “Love God with all […]
Prayers for the 24th Week after Pentecost (November 3-9, 2024)
(Bishop Amy Gohdes-Luman, Director of Mission Engagement for the Board of World Mission, installs members of the Canadian District Board at their recent Synod) The Watchword for the week: Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your […]
World Heritage Inscription an appreciation of worldwide Unity
Pastors from the four Moravian settlements named to the UNESCO World Heritage List; Revs. Jorgen Boytler, Peter Vogt, Janel Rice, Sarah Groves and Jill Vogt To the Worldwide Moravian Unity Dear Brothers and Sisters, Greetings from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, where we have gathered as pastors and church leaders to participate in a conference celebrating the recent […]
Our Lamb Has Conquered. Let Us Follow Him.
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