[Episcopal News Service] Clara Rowsey-Stewart and her husband, Arthur Stewart, along with other members of St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church in Darien, Georgia, wanted to make sure that people in their community never forgot one of the most painful events in the history of the region – and of the United States. The congregation recently helped create a monument to what is one of the single largest, if not the largest, auction of enslaved people in American history. The auction, which took place March 2-3, 1859, at a racetrack an hour’s drive north in Savannah, is known as the “Weeping Time,” in part because of the rain that fell nonstop throughout the auction and also because of the tears shed by those forced to leave family members and their community. Those who were sold were the property of Pierce Mease Butler, an Episcopalian who owned a rice plantation on Butler Island, less than two miles as the crow flies from the town of Darien. The auction took place in Savannah because there wasn’t a site large enough near the plantation to hold the number of people auctioned in the sale. The monument is located in Darien, not far from the church on the site of a former school named for St. Cyprian’s first Black priest. Many of the people Butler enslaved were Episcopalians like him and attended the same church, Rowsey-Stewart told Episcopal News Service. “Everyone was an Episcopalian – Pierce, the auctioneer, the auction broker,” she said. Butler was a wealthy man who racked up large debts, and his trustees were forced to sell some of his assets, including a palatial home in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, some property in Georgia and 429 people he enslaved on his plantation. While reports at the time had indicated that slave families were not to be separated, Rowsey-Stewart said that wasn’t the case. People were just sold to the highest bidder. Georgia Bishop Frank Logue, in an email to ENS, described the Weeping Time as “the most devastating chapter in the history of enslavement in the Diocese of Georgia.” He added, “Many of those sold were baptized and confirmed members of the same congregation as their owner, Pierce Mease Butler.” Rowsey-Stewart said that when she learned that many current residents of Darien had little or even no knowledge of the event, she and other St. Cyprian’s members decided to create a permanent monument commemorating the Weeping Time and place it near the church. The church paid the costs of the monument’s construction and placement. It stands 70 inches high and is a four-sided obelisk. One side includes a commemoration of the event, another lists the words of the broker’s ad describing the upcoming sale, and a third side includes a drawing of a Black man in chains with the words, “Am I not a man and a brother?” The final side includes the names of people who are important in the church’s history and in whose memory the vestry of St. Cyprian’s erected the monument. They include the Rev. Ferdinand Meshac Mann, Deaconess Anna Alexander and several others. Rowsey-Stewart said that after the end of the Civil War and the emancipation of slaves, some from the Butler plantation returned to the area to live, and they built St. Cyprian’s. When the church was consecrated, Black and white people sat on opposite sides of the nave, she said, separated by a rope strung down the center aisle. In 1873, Mann came to serve that congregation, and he also established a school that bore his name. Among those emancipated slaves who came back were Aleck and Daphne Alexander. The youngest of their 11 children, Anna Ellison Butler Alexander, was born in 1865. In 1907 she was set apart by Georgia Bishop C. K. Nelson as the first and only Black deaconess in the history of The Episcopal Church. During her 60-year ministry across the Diocese of Georgia she helped establish Good Shepherd Episcopal Church and School in Pennick, Georgia. She died in 1947. In 2018, General Convention added Alexander to The Episcopal Church’s calendar of saints, commemorating her on Sept. 24. In 2019 she was designated the patron saint of the Diocese of Georgia. But she has another link to the history of slavery on Butler’s plantation. Rowsey-Stewart said that Alexander’s grandmother, an enslaved woman there, was forced to bear children fathered by the plantation manager, Roswell King, who became a wealthy industrialist and founded the city of Roswell, Georgia. King was crucial to the plantation’s success, she said, since Butler spent much of his time in Philadelphia. “Those slaveholders kind of outsourced the slavery to other people,” she said. Descendants of some of the slaves who helped build the church, most of them now in their 80s, still are members of St. Cyprian’s, she said. The monument, which was placed on land where the old Mann School was located, was unveiled on March 1. Logue was there to help dedicate the monument, and he later said he was moved to see descendants of some of the former plantation slaves help with the unveiling. “This marker honors the pain and suffering those ancestors endured,” he told ENS. “We see the resilience of their trust in Jesus as many of those Black Episcopalians returned to the area and built St. Cyprian’s Church and the adjacent Mann School with their own hands.” While the monument is new, St. Cyprian’s remembrance of the Weeping Times isn’t. This year marked the church’s sixth commemoration of the event. After the dedication, Rowsey-Stewart was joined by other members of Racial Justice GA – the racial justice ministry of the Diocese of Georgia – for a photo. Placing memorials and other markers is an important part of the group’s work, Rowsey-Stewart, the group’s co-chair, said. One of their goals is to install lynching memorials in all the counties of the diocese as a way to confront the area’s racist history. They already have placed one such […]