‘Natural Spirituali-teas’ vlog from UCC General Minister & President explores spirituality
It’s time to spill the tea–the Rev. Karen Georgia Thompson, United Church of Christ General Minister and President, has a new video blog or “vlog” debuting soon, called Natural Spirituali-teas. This special series will offer her point of view about…
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Resolutions for General Synod 35 span global contexts, holistic health, Conference change
The final proposed resolutions for General Synod 35 are now available for review. Eight resolutions and one formal motion are ready to be considered by this national body of the United Church of Christ in Kansas City, July 11-15. The…
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Brian R. Bodager: A visionary leader who invited all in the UCC to ‘imagine’ with him
Where there is no vision, the people will perish. King Solomon certainly didn’t have Brian R. Bodager in mind when he shared this piece of wisdom in the Book of Proverbs. Known as a “visionary leader” by friends and colleagues,…
The post Brian R. Bodager: A visionary leader who invited all in the UCC to ‘imagine’ with him appeared first on United Church of Christ.
“Just Digital” online course newly available in French and Spanish
Scottish Episcopal Church joins call for U.K. government to reduce child poverty
Just Digital course now available in French and Spanish
Classes Vote to Approve Condensing Assemblies
The post Classes Vote to Approve Condensing Assemblies appeared first on Reformed Church in America.
Ekklesia special with Preston Sprinkle – Monday 9 June
Leadership Institute Provides New Pathways for Theological Education
Meadville Lombard president hopes LIGHT will create communities for religious leaders across denominations and religious traditions.